
A comprehensive benchmark for data cleaning methods and their impact of ML models

Primary LanguagePython

REIN: A Comprehensive Benchmark Framework for Data Cleaning Methods in ML Pipelines

This repository comprises the source codes, scripts, and datasets for our data cleaning benchmark, called REIN. REIN is a comprehensive benchmark to thoroughly investigate the impact of data cleaning methods on various ML models. Through the benchmark, we provide answers to important research questions, e.g., where and whether data cleaning is a necessary step in ML pipelines. To this end, REIN examines 38 simple and advanced error detection and repair methods. To evaluate these methods, we utilized 14 publicly-available datasets covering different domains together with a wide collection of ML models. Furthermore, REIN can be easily extended to evaluate new error detection and repair methods.

For more details about the benchmark and the data cleaning methods, feel free to download our paper:

Please, cite our paper if you use the code.

  title={REIN: A Comprehensive Benchmark Framework for Data Cleaning Methods in ML Pipelines},
  author={Abdelaal, Mohamed and Hammacher, Christian and Schoening, Harald},
  journal={Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)},
  publisher={VLDB Endowment}


Clone with submodules

git clone https://github.com/mohamedyd/rein-benchmark.git --recurse-submodules

Create a virtual environment and install requirements

python3 -m venv venv 
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -e .

Install PostgreSQL

# Create the file repository configuration:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'

# Import the repository signing key:
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -

# Update the package lists:
sudo apt-get update

# Install the latest version of PostgreSQL.
# If you want a specific version, use 'postgresql-12' or similar instead of 'postgresql':
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql

Start the postgreSQL server
sudo service postgresql start

Install the necessary tools

cd tools/error-generator 

cd ../Profiler
bash create_db_user.sh
bash setup_linux.sh 

Install data cleaning tools and their dependencies

Install RAHA and BARAN

pip3 install raha

Install Picket

cd cleaners/Picket
# If GPU is available, replace "cpu" in the command below with "gpu" 
bash install.sh cpu

Install C++ files of FAHES

cd cleaners/FAHES/src/
make clean && make

Set up PostgreSQL for HoloClean

cd cleaners/holoclean/
bash create_pd_user_ubuntu.sh

Download the knowledge base of KATARA (link) and unzip the file

cd cleaners/katara/knowedge-base


You can download more datasets used in the benchmark from this link.


Start the Postgresql database server, if it is not already started

sudo service postgresql start

If postgres will be used to store the various data versions, the rein database has to be first created.

bash create_db_user.sh

Inject errors into the dataset

This command injects different error types into the dataset. The term muted_attribs defines the attributes which should remain clean, e.g., the labels. The term error_type enables injecting several error types simultaneously. The current list of errors include: outliers, cell_swapping, implicit_mv, explicit_mv, typo_keyboard, gaussian_noise. If the option store_postgres is used, the datasets will be written to the rein database.

 python3 scripts/create_dirty.py 
        --dataset_name beers
        -- muted_attribs labels
        -- error_rate 0.2
        -- outlier_degree 3
        -- store_postgres 
        --error_type outliers implicit_mv

Detect errors

The term detect_method defines the detection method, where REIN executes all available detection methods, if this argument is not defined in the command. The term n_iterations defines how many times the experiment will be repeated. The list of available error detection methods include: mvdetector, raha, ed2, max_entropy, min_k, metadata_driven, holoclean, fahes, katara, openrefine, cleanlab, outlierdetector, zeroer, duplicatesdetector, picket, nadeef. The script initially searches for the data, named dirty_{dataset_name} and ground_truth_{dataset_name}, in the rein database. If not found, the script looks for CSV files, named clean.csv and dirty.csv in the dataset directory. If found, the script will insert them into the rein database.

python3 scripts/detect_errors.py 
        --dataset_name nursery 
        --detect_method max_entropy fahes min_k 
        --n_iterations 10

Test robustness of the error detection methods

The following two commands test the robustness of the error detection methods. The robustness is examined in terms of the error rate and the outlier degree. For the error rate, the experiment iteratively increases the error rate from 10% to 100, while fixing the outlier degree. Conversely, the outlier degree experiment increases the outlier degree from 1 to 10, while fixing the error rate. If the option store_postgre is used, the various generated dirty datasets will be inserted into the rein database.

python3 scripts/test_robustness.py
        --dataset_name nursery
        --detect_method raha picket ed2 holoclean
        --n_iterations 10

python3 scripts/test_robustness.py
        --dataset_name nursery
        --detect_method raha outlierdetector dboost
        --n_iterations 10

Test scalability of the error detection methods

This command runs the error detection methods over different fractions of each dataset, i.e., starting from 10% of the data up to 100%. If the option store_postgres is used, the generated datasets will be stored in the rein dataset.

python3 scripts/test_scalability.py 
        --dataset_name nursery 
        --detect_method mvdetector 
        --n_iterations 10

Repair errors

This command is used to repair the detected erroneous cells. The ML-agnostic repair methods generate repaired versions of the dirty data. The ML-oriented repair methods jointly optimize the cleaning and modeling tasks. The list of available repair methods comprises: baran, cleanwithGroundTruth, dcHoloCleaner, standardImputer, mlImputer, boostClean, cpClean, activecleanCleaner, duplicatescleaner, openrefine. Like the script of error detection, this script first looks for the data in the rein database and if no data stored there, it will search for CSV files in the dataset directory. If the option store_postgres is used, the repaired data will be written to the rein database.

python3 scripts/repair_errors.py 
        --dataset_name nursery 
        --repair_method cleanWithGroundTruth baran 
        --n_iterations 10

Train ML models

This command trains ML models on various data versions, i.e., ground truth, dirty, and repaired. Run python3 scripts/train_model.py -h to get the list of available classification, regression, and clustering methods. The option hyperopt is used to enable hyper-parameters optimization using Optuna. The option early_termination enables the early termination of the experiment if the obtained results are extremely similar over five iterations. If the option store_postgres is used, the repaired data will be fetched from the rein database.

python3 scripts/train_model.py
        --dataset_name nursery
        --ml_model forest_clf mlp_clf
        --n_iterations 10
        --hyperopt False
        --early_termination False

Lack of ground truth

If the ground truth is not available, you can still use REIN for detecting and repairing the dirty datasets. In this case, the performance is measured in terms of the performance difference between the models trained on repaired data and the models trained on the dirty data version. To run REIN in this mode, add the option --no_ground_truth to the above error detection script. However, some detection and repair methods will not work in this mode.

Extending the benchmark

Adding a dataset

REIN takes as an input either the CSV files or PostgreSQL relations stored in the rein database. To add a new dataset, follow the steps below:

  • Create a folder named according to the new dataset, e.g., covid_data, in the datasets/ directory.
  • Insert the CSV files of the dirty and the ground truth (if available) into the directory datasets/covid_data. Rename the CSV file of the ground truth, if available, to clean.csv and the CSV file of the dirty version to dirty.csv. Another option is to insert the new dataset directly into PostgreSQL, e.g., dirty_covid_data and ground_truth_covid_data in the rein database.
  • Add metadata about the newly-added dataset to the dictionary of datasets in the auxiliaries/ directory. The key error_types can have values from the list of considered error types, including: missing_values, pattern_violation, rule_violation, duplicates, outliers, mislabels, typos, inconsistency. The key excluded_attribs can be used to exclude any irrelevant columns in the dataset. Finally, the keys lables_reg and labels_clf define the columns serving as labels in case of regression and classification, respectively.
datasets_dictionary = 
    {"covid_data": {
        "name": "covid_data",
        "dataset_path": os.path.abspath(os.path.join(datasets_path, "covid_data")),
        "dirty_path": os.path.abspath(os.path.join(datasets_path, covid_data, "dirty.csv")),
        "groundTruth_path": os.path.abspath(os.path.join(datasets_path, covid_data, "clean.csv")),
        "error_types": [missing_values, duplicates],
        "ml_tasks": [regression, classification],
        "excluded_attribs": ["ID"],
        "labels_reg": ["infection_rate"],
        "labels_clf": ["dangerous_region"],
        "notes": "space for adding general notes about the data, e.g., data version, data source, etc."
  • The following cleaning signals have to be provided for the new dataset:
    • Functional dependency (FD rules) and patterns to run NADEEF
    • Denial constraints (DC rules) for HoloClean
    • Key attributes for the key collision method
    • Blocking functions to efficiently run the ZeroER method
    • Clusters to run the OpenRefine method

Adding an error detection method

To add a new detection method, follow the steps below:

  • Create a new function in detectors.py named according to the new error detection method. If you already have the source code of the new error detection method, you can clone it to the cleaners/ directory. Otherwise, you can implement the algorithm in the new function which should have the following footprint:
    def new_detector(self, dirtydf, dataset, configs):
        This method calls a new error detection algorithm to detect incorrect cells.

        dirtyDF -- dataframe of shape n_R (# of records) x n_A (# of attributes) - containing a dirty version of a dataset
        dataset (String) -- name of the dataset
        configs (dict) -- any configurations, parameters, or signals, such as labels or clusters, needed to run the new error detection method 
        detection_dictionary -- dictionary - keys represent i,j of dirty cells & values are constant string "JUST A DUUMY VALUE"
        evaluation_dict -- dictionary - it holds evaluation information.
        # Write here either a call to the algorithm or the algorithm itself

        return detection_dictionary, evaluation_dict 
  • In auxiliaries/configurations.py, add the name of the new error detection method to the DetectMethod class.
  • In auxiliaries/detectors_dictionary.py, add DetectMethod.new_detector to each relevant key, i.e., error type.

Adding a data repair method

To add a new detection method, follow the steps below:

  • Create a new function in cleaners.py named according to the new data repair method. If you already have the source code of the new method, you can clone it to the cleaners/ directory. Otherwise, you can implement the algorithm in the new function which should have the following footprint:
    def new_repair_method(self, dirtyDF, detections, configs):
        This method repairs detected errors using the new data repair method.

        dirtyDF -- dataframe of shape n_R (# of records) x n_A (# of attributes) - containing a dirty version of a dataset
        detections -- dictionary - keys represent i,j of dirty cells & values are constant string "JUST A DUUMY VALUE"

        repairedDF -- dataframe of shape n_R x n_A - containing a cleaned version of the dirty dataset 
        results (dict) -- dictionary with results from evaluation

        # Write here either a call to the algorithm or the algorithm itself

        return repairedDF, results
  • In auxiliaries/configurations.py, add the name of the new data repair method to the RepairMethod class.
  • In auxiliaries/detectors_dictionary.py, add RepairMethod.new_repair_method to each relevant key, i.e., error type.
  • In auxiliaries/cleaners_configurations.py, add all configurations of the new data repair method to the class cleaners_configurations.

Adding an ML model

  • In auxiliaries/models_dictionary.py, add the ML model information to the models dictionary. In this dictionay, the value of the key fn represents the function implementing the new ML model For instance, it can be an imported function from Sci-kit Learn. The key hyperopt is used to define the hyperparamter tunning method. The key fixed_params is used to define static values for some hyperparameters. Finally, the key hyperparams is used to define the hyperparameters which can be adjusted.
import NewModel
models_dictionary = {
        "classification": {
            "new_model": {
                "name": "new_model",
                "fn": NewModel,
                'hyperopt': Hyperoptimization,
                "fixed_params": {},
                "hyperparams": {
                    "max_depth": [1, 20, 40, 80, 100, 150, 200],
                    "n_estimators": [10, 100, 1000, 1500, 2000]}
  • In hyperopt_functions, implement a function to run Optuna on the new ML model to fine tune the hyperparameters of the new ML model. If hyperparameter tunning is not of interest, you can ignore this step and remove the key hyperopt from the above dictionary.
  • In auxiliaries/configurations.py, add the name of the new ML model to the MLModel class.