Command-line interface Booking program using Golang + Mysql + Gorm
The application main functionalities:
- Register a user
- Login to the app
- List conferences to book with total available tickets for each one
- Number of booked users for each conference
- Book conference tickets for registered user with their required info
- Admin user can add new conference to the app
Note: All Create, Read, Update program operations will be executed on the connected Mysql Database using Gorm
ORM for Golang.
The app interface look like:
PS C:\Users\mhdsh\Go Workpsace\CLI-Booking-App> go run app.go WELCOME TO CLI BOOKING APP! ########################### Select option: 1. Register to the App 2. Login if you already a registered user 1 Enter UserName: oghli Enter Password: 123456 Account Successfuly Created! PS C:\Users\mhdsh\Go Workpsace\CLI-Booking-App> go run app.go WELCOME TO CLI BOOKING APP! ########################### Select option: 1. Register to the App 2. Login if you already a registered user 2 Login to your account UserName: oghli Password: 123456 Welcome oghli! List of of currently available Conferences ########################################## 1. Cisco Live | Total Tickets: 60 | Total booked users: 0 2. Microsoft MVP Global Summit | Total Tickets: 120 | Total booked users: 2 3. Samsung Unpacked | Total Tickets: 80 | Total booked users: 1 4. Red Hat Summit | Total Tickets: 23 | Total booked users: 1 5. Dell Technologies World | Total Tickets: 165 | Total booked users: 0 6. Apple Unleashed | Total Tickets: 250 | Total booked users: 0 7. IGN Entertainment | Total Tickets: 50 | Total booked users: 0 ########################################## Please select conference number to book: 2 Enter your first name: Mohamad Enter your last name: Oghli Enter your email address: Enter number of tickets: 25 Thank you Mohamad Oghli for booking 25 tickets. You will recive confirmation email at 95 tickets remaining for Microsoft MVP Global Summit.
To connect to your local Mysql database you should change this line of code in db_conn.go
file inside db_config
dsn := "user:pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/booking_app_db?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
add here your user and pass for Mysql.
In order to build the app run this command in your terminal inside application directory:
go build
After that run the app build using:
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