Tourist Attractions Simple Flask App

I attached required dependencies to run the app locally on your machine you can find it in requirements.txt file.

To install dependencies run this command on your terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt

All the data of flask app saved using list of objects instantiated from class location, check locations file to understand functionalities of the class.

You can find the predefined data of locations and their attributes in the data.csv file.

You need to set FLASK_APP environment variable to load the application:

Run CMD command:

set FLASK_APP=app

Or run Powershell command:

$env:FLASK_APP = "app"

You can run flask app on your local host by executing this command on your terminal:

flask run

It will run on

Tourist Attractions is flask app to organize a list of places you want to visit.

Locations fall into 3 main categories:

  • Recommended places to visit
  • Decided places to visit
  • Places that have been visited.

Each Location class has three attributes:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Category

The main functionalities of this app:

  • Show list of each location's category.
  • Add new Location according to the 3 categories.
  • Move location from one category to the next category (Recommedned -> Places to Go -> Visited)
  • Remove location from category.

Made with ❤ by Mohamad Oghli
