
This code is an implementation of head pose estimation for a single image ( and webcam ( For head pose estimation, I used the algorithm explained here, and integrated it with dlib's facial landmark detector to make it real-time.

Please download dlib pre-trained facial landmark detector here.

Sample result for a single image



  • Python 3.6.7

  • numpy 1.18.1

  • Opencv 4.2.0

How to install dlib


You can install dlib by:

pip install dlib


“Pip install dlib” doesn’t work for Windows. Therefore, use the following procedure: First download “wheel” from here.

In the above link, you can see several versions. For example, for 64-bit Windows and Python 3.6, download the following wheel file:


Then, open Windows command prompt, go to the directory where the wheel file is saved by “cd” command. Then, install dlib using following command:

pip install [wheel file name]


pip install dlib-19.8.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

If you would like to install dlib in a virtual environment, activate the desired virtual environment before running the above command.

Finally, close the command prompt and open a new command prompt. Now, you can import and use dlib.

Note: There is no wheel file for Python 3.7 for Windows environment. Please use Python 3.6.

Installation by conda

Dlib can be installed by conda as explaniend here.


Head Pose Estimation

dlib facial landmark detection