- See all countries from the API on the homepage
- Search for a country using an input field
- Filter countries by region
- Click on a country to see more detailed information on a separate page (client-side routing)
- Clicking on border countries on the detail page should link the user to the detail of those countries
- Bonus: Toggle the color scheme between light and dark mode without using any 3rd party libraries
- Bonus: Searching using the keywords Grmany or Grmny should also work
- Bonus: Add sort functionality for both Population and Country Name
- Bonus: Make all content server-side rendered and also have a fallback if the server-side render faces an error
- Bonus: Collect analytical data (in whichever way you prefer) using Google Analytics
- Bonus: Make sure styles are loaded whenever they're really needed. e.g., The styles for the details page don't load on the homepage
- Bonus: Make sure the ratio for the country flags is 4:3 or any other ratio you find suitable
- Bonus: Dockerize your application by creating an efficient Dockerfile
- Bonus: Add unit tests for components
- Bonus: Store the filters in the URL query strings and sync it with the component filter object
- Bonus: Add lazy loading for country images and list
- Debouncing on Search input
- React-router-dom: for implementign SPA
- Sass: for better css management
To create the image:
docker build . -t alibaba-countries:1.0.0
To see the images list
docker image ls
To run the image
docker run -d -p 3333:3000 --name alibaba-countries-app alibaba-countries:1.0.0
then go to
to see the application