
SLTev is a tool for comprehensive evaluation of (simultaneous) spoken language translation.

Primary LanguagePython


SLTev is an open-source tool for assessing the quality of spoken language translation in a comprehensive way. Based on timestamped reference transcript and reference translation into a target language, THETOOL reports the quality, delay and stability of a given SLT candidate output.

Requirements Modules

  • python3.5 or Higher

  • NLTK [1]

  • mwerSegmenter [2]

  • mosestokenizer [3]

  • Sacre Bleu [4]

  • requests

  • gitpython

  • gitdir

Input SLT and ASR name format

SLT format

  • OSt file name (e.g. 03_botel-proti-proudu.en.OSt) + . + language (e.g. de or cs) + .slt
  • e.g. 03_botel-proti-proudu.en.cs.slt, 03_botel-proti-proudu.en.de.slt

ASR format

  • OSt file name (e.g. 03_botel-proti-proudu.en.OSt) + . + language (e.g. en) + .asr
  • e.g. 03_botel-proti-proudu.en.en.asr


  • If you using virtual environment, source your enviornment by the following command:
$ source path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate
  • install needed modules by pip in your enviornment:
(your-env)$ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Clone project from git

You can download the project as follow in Github:

$ git clone git clone https://github.com/ELITR/SLTev.git
$ cd SLTev 

Package Overview

  • SLTev-scripts: Contains scripts for running SLTev and ASRev
  • examples: Contains examples of inputs files which contains slt-asr-samples and input-files
  • data-preperation: Contains scripts to prepere data for SLTev script such as MGIZA

Getting Started with SLTev

Please prepare your data (using data-preperation/elitr-testset-prep.md help), and run scripts as follow:

(your-env)$ cd SLTev-scripts 

Generate ELITER files based on the ELITER-Index-Name

If you want to use elitr-testset repository, first you need to download elitr-testset repo. You can use SLTev with -g parameter for cloning and downloading elitr-testset repo. Also index files will put in the ./SLTev-cache/OStt-tt-files/

(your-env)$ mkdir <output_directory>
(your-env)$ ./SLTev -g <elitr_index_name> 
    -g: generating ELITER files based on the ELITER-Index-Name 
    --commitid: checkout git repo according to the commitid (deafult is HEAD)

    - Index-names are placed in the "https://github.com/ELITR/elitr-testset/tree/master/indices". e.g. iwslt-antrecorp
    - e.g. ./SLTev -g khanacademy-for-SLTev

Evaluate ASR and SLT files based on the ELITER files

Single file

(your-env)$ ./SLTev -e <elitr_index_name> -i <elitr_file_name> -t <segment_time> 
    -e: evaluating input file based on the ELITER files
    -f: file path for evaluating
    -t: time of each segment for calculate BLEU score (deafult is 3000)
    -alignment: alignment files (manual alignment) are using instead of the ELITER files
    -outfile: outfile (standard output writing there)
    --offline: offline cache files are using. (if not, the needed files will downloaded) 
    - The number of the inputs in -alignment must be equal with tt files (for some files and languages, there are 
        multiple tt files)
    - e.g. ./SLTev -e khanacademy-for-SLTev -i ../examples/slt-asr-samples/kaccNlwi6lUCEM.en.cs.slt

Multiple files

(your-env)$ mkdir <result_output_directory>
(your-env)$ ./SLTev -e <elitr_index_name> -i <SLT_output_directory> -outdir <result_output_directory>
    -e: evaluating input files based on the ELITER files. 
    -i: ditrectory path for evaluating
    -t: time of each segment for calculate BLEU score
    --outdir: output directory path
    --offline: offline cache files are using. (if not, the needed files will downloaded)  
        - e.g. mkdir test1; ./SLTev -e khanacademy-for-SLTev -i ../examples/slt-asr-samples/ --outdir ./test1/;

Evaluta asr files based on the WER score (Running ASRev)

(your-env)$ ./SLTev -e <elitr_index_name> -i <SLT_output_directory> -outdir <result_output_directory> --ASRev
    -e: evaluating input files based on the ELITER files. 
    -i: ditrectory_path/file_path for evaluating
    --outdir: output directory path
    --ASRev (i exist calculte WER score)
        - e.g. ./SLTev -e khanacademy-for-SLTev -i ../examples/slt-asr-samples --outdir ./test/ --ASRev

Other parameters

  • --clean: clean all cache files (SLTev-cache directory)

How can we run our data locally?

If you want to use your files locally, please do as follow:

  1. make a folder by name <your_indice> in ./SLTev-cache/OStt-tt-files/ path (if ./SLTev-cache/OStt-tt-files/ is not exist please make it)
  2. put "tt" files (.TTcs, .TTde, ..), "OStt" files (.OStt) and "align" files [outputs of the giza++] (.align) in <your_indice> folder
  3. do not use -g parameter, just run as follow:
  • e.g. ./SLTev -e <your_indice> -i ./submision/ --outdir ./test/


  • Default temporary directory name is "SLTev-cache" (it make automaticly after first SLTev runing)
  • You can use Giza++ alignments if they are missed in (detail placed in the data-preperation/elitr-testset-prep.md)
  • The first line of each output is commit ID.
  • For some filse which have more than one tt files, SLTev works as multireference evaluator. (e.g. 03_botel-proti-proudu have two tt files for cs language (03_botel-proti-proudu.TTcs1, 03_botel-proti-proudu.TTcs2))


In the following, we use this notation:

  • OS ... original speech (sound)

  • OSt ... original speech manually transcribed

  • OStt ... original speech manually transcribed with word-level timestamps

  • IS ... human interpreter's speech (sound)

  • ISt ... IS manually transcribed with word-level timestamps

  • TT ... human textual translation, created from transcribed original speech (OSt); corresponds sentence-by-sentence to OSt

  • ASR ... the unrevised output of speech recognition system; timestamped at the word level

  • SLT ... the unrevised output of spoken language translation, i.e. sentences in the target language corresponding to sentences in the source language; the source of SLT is OS

  • MT ... the unrevised output of text-based translation; the source of MT is ASR (machine-transcribed OS) or OSt (human-transcribed OS)

SLTev Modes of Operation

SLTev is designed to support these modes of operation:

  • Evaluate SLT against OSt+TT. (This is the primary goal of SLTev, evaluate the output of SLT systems against time-stamped source + reference translation)
  • Evaluate ASR+SLT against OSt+TT. (A refined version of the previous, when the SLT system can provide internal details about ASR operation, esp. emission timestamps.)
  • Evaluate IS against OSt+TT. (This is an interesting contrastive use of SLTev, to evaluate human interpreters against manually translated correct transcripts.)
  • Evaluate MT against TT. (This is plain old MT evaluation.)
  • Evaluate ASR against OSt. (This is plain old ASR evaluation, except the segmentation is not prescribed.)


[1] Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper. 2009. Natural Language Processing with Python, 1st edition. OReilly Media, Inc.
[2] Evgeny Matusov, Gregor Leusch, Oliver Bender, and Hermann Ney. 2005b. Evaluating machine-translation output with automatic sentence segmentation. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, pages 148–154, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
[3] Philipp Koehn, Hieu Hoang, Alexandra Birch, Chris Callison-Burch, Marcello Federico, Nicola Bertoldi, Brooke Cowan, Wade Shen, Christine Moran, Richard Zens, Chris Dyer, Ondřej Bojar, Alexandra Constantin and Evan Herbst. 2007. Proceedings of the ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics).
[4] Post, Matt. 2018. Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 186-191.