
e-shop on Laravel8 + Vue.js PHP8

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

This is a Laravel + Vue.js e-commerce template that will make it easy for you to start your own online store.

There is the DEMO ULE-shop.

Video presentation


  1. Setup (install/create) Database and PHP server.
  2. Install Composer
  3. Install npm.
  4. Install git. Get this project from Github (git clone).
  5. Copy ".env.example" file and rename to ".env". Edit the .env file (connect to DB).
  6. Run "composer update".
  7. Run "npm install", then "npm run dev".
  8. Run "php artisan key:generate". It will add application key to the .env file.
  9. Run "php artisan migrate" Laravel Migrations.
  10. Important! It's the correct way to seeding: "php artisan db:seed --class=DatabaseSeeder" Laravel Seeding.
  11. Setup "Document root" for your project on server like ".../my_example_shop/public".
  12. For testing back-end: copy and rename .env.testing.example to .env.testing, then add your app_key from .env file and run the command "php artisan test"
  13. For testing Vue.js run the command "npm run test"
  14. To check code quality run: ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --memory-limit=2G. Setup code quality Level 0-8 in the file phpstan.neon.

Docker-compose for local development:

  • setup docker and docker-compose on your local machine.
  • create the .local_data folder in the folder with your project
  • install mkcert and generate ssl certificates:
brew install mkcert nss
mkcert -cert-file .docker/nginx/dev/site.crt -key-file .docker/nginx/dev/site.key localhost
  • run docker-compose up -d

Uladzimir Sadkou: hofirma@gmail.com