
Common utilities for all GNU/Bash scripts :warning: Now hosted on Gitlab

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

⚠️ This project is now hosted on Gitlab; switch to it to get newer versions.

scripts-common version 2.0.0

Codacy Badge CII Best Practices

This is a free common utilities/tool-box for GNU/Bash scripts, you can use for your own scripts.

Getting Started

scripts-common provides lots of features, using mainly GNU/Bash built-in tools, like:

  • logger (writeMessage, info, warning, error), with timestamp and category
  • environment check and utilities (locale, isRoot, LSB)
  • path check and management (data file, directory, executable)
  • configuration file management (local configuration file, global configuration file, check and set configuration)
  • version check (isVersionGreater)
  • start/stop/up time
  • pattern matching (including isNumber, isDate ...)
  • extract lines from a file (from N, or between N and P)
  • PID file management
  • daemon start/pause/stop
  • Third party PATH management feature (Java, Ant ...)


Around 2000, I started writing it for my personal needs, creating lots of scripts at home and at work.

In 2010, I created Hemera Intelligent System (Repository), in which I factorized all my utilities, and developed more robust version.

In 2019, I extracted the Hemera's utilities part, and enhanced it to get it generic, to share it with everyone.


In all the following methods, you just need to source the utilities file.

source <path to define>/scripts-common/utilities.sh

Method 1 - Git submodule

You can add this project as submodule of your own Git repository.

git submodule add git@gitlab.com:bertrand-benoit/scripts-common.git

And then update your script to use it (e.g. if this script is in the root directory of your repository):

currentDir=$( dirname "$( which "$0" )" )
. "$currentDir/scripts-common/utilities.sh"

Method 2 - Clone repository close to yours

Clone this repository in the parent directory of your own repository.

You can then source the utilities this way:

currentDir="$( dirname "$( which "$0" )" )"
source "$( dirname "$currentDir" )/scripts-common/utilities.sh"

Method 3 - Clone repository anywhere

Clone this repository where you want, and define a variable in your ~/.bashrc file, for instance:

export UTILITIES_PATH=/complete/path/to/scripts-common/utilities.sh

Then, in your script, you just need to use this variable:



There are some optional variables you can define before sourcing the utilities.sh, to tune the system to your needs.

  • ROOT_DIR <path> root directory to consider when performing various check
  • TMP_DIR <path> temporary directory where various dump files will be created
  • PID_DIR <path> directory where PID files will be created to manage daemon feature
  • CONFIG_FILE <path> path of configuration file to consider
  • GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE <path> path of GLOBAL configuration file to consider (configuration element will be checked in this one, if NOT found in the configuration file)
  • DEBUG_UTILITIES 0|1 activate debug message (not recommended in production)
  • VERBOSE 0|1 activate info/debug message
  • CATEGORY <string> the category which prepends all messages
  • LOG_CONSOLE_OFF 0|1 disable message output on console
  • LOG_FILE <path> path of the log file
  • LOG_FILE_APPEND_MODE 0|1 activate append mode, instead of override one
  • MODE_CHECK_CONFIG 0|1 check ALL configuration and then quit (useful to check all the configuration you want, +/- like a dry run)

N.B.: when using checkAndSetConfig function, you can get back the corresponding configuration in LAST_READ_CONFIG variable (if it has NOT been found, it is set to $CONFIG_NOT_FOUND).


Don't hesitate to contribute or to contact me if you want to improve the project. You can report issues or request features and propose merge requests.


The versioning scheme we use is SemVer.


Bertrand BENOIT


This project is under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details