Current Progress



  • this includes codes to talk to the api,
    • to call external api, we will
      1. create a service folder
      2. inside it, run the command ng g s "service name"
        • here g is for generate, and s is for service. angular generate service.

code explanation

component: page-navigation

<div class="card flex justify-content-center">

[first]="first" [rows]="rows"

  • these two are used to set the default values of the paginator set from user side but by click function. on the other hand


  • this data is sent from database thus used input decorator to catch the data

Dependency Injections

there are three different ways to register and provide services using dependency injection:

  1. Singleton to make a service file as singleton mention the following in the file
    providedIn: 'root',

    setting this property to 'root' level, makes it a singleton to be shared across the entire application.

  2. Transient When a service is registered as transient, a new instance of the service is created every time it is requested.
    providedIn: 'any',
  3. Scoped Use when a single instance of a service for each lazy-loaded module needs to be created.
    providedIn: SomeModule, // Provides the service at the module level (separate instance for each module)

input and output decorator

output decorator


  • handleUserClick is a custom even made in child component using @outptut decorator to help get data from child2parent.
    • when handleUserClick is triggered, it calls onPageNumberChanges method and passes value from child compoent 2 parent through event -->

how to use ng-template

<div *ngIf="dataLoaded">
  <div *ngIf="noResultsFound">
    <p>Product not found</p>
  <div *ngIf="!noResultsFound">
    <br />
    <p>Search Result</p>
    <div class="product-grid">
      <div *ngFor="let eachCard of products">
        <app-product-card [product]="eachCard"></app-product-card>
    <br />

no html p tag was showing in parent component.

  • so when i wrapped this component inside a div, it solved the issue. previously my code with error was this:
    <ng-template #appRoot>
      <app-search [searchingEntry]="searchingEntry"></app-search>
    changes that solved the error
    <ng-template #appRoot>
    <div class="body">
      <app-search [searchingEntry]="searchingEntry"></app-search>