
Everything you should know as software engineer who works on the PHP stack

PHP Software Engineer roadmap

Everything you should know as software engineer who work on PHP stack


  • Class / Object
  • Interface and polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Trait

Clean Code

  • Principles

    • SOLID
    • DRY
    • KISS
  • Design patterns

    • Singltone
    • Factory
    • Strategy
    • Decorator
    • Adapter
    • Proxy
    • Chain of Responsibility
    • Specification
    • Template
    • Facade
  • PHP Coding style standards

    • PSR-2
    • PSR-12
    • PHP CS Fixer
    • Psalm
    • CircleCI
  • PSR

    • PSR-3 logging
    • PSR-4 autoloading
    • PSR-6 Caching interface
    • PSR-11 Container interface
    • PSR-14 Event Dispatcher


  • What is software testing?
  • Which types of testing should be use?
  • Mock / Stub / Spy / Faker
  • TDD
  • Unit test / PHPUnit / Mockery

Laravel (Below concepts are mappable to any PHP framework you desired)

  • Model and Database

    • Relation ships 1:1 1:n n:m polymorphic
    • Mutator/Accessor
    • Events
    • Observer
    • Scope
    • Resources
    • Pagination
    • Seeder
    • Migrations
    • Query Builder
    • Cache
  • HTTP and Controllers

    • Routing
    • Controllers
    • Middleware
    • Requests and Validation
    • Responses
    • URL Generations
    • Authentication (Sanctum or Passport)
    • Authorization
    • Error Handlng
    • Restul API
  • Architecture concepts

    • Service container
    • Service provider
    • Facade
  • Test

    • Feature/HTTP Testing
    • Mocking dependencies [Queue/FS/Notifications/...]
    • Eloquent factories and Database testing


    • Choose MySQL or Postgres
    • SQL: join sub-query aggregation
    • DDL
    • DML
    • DCL
    • TCL
    • Indexing / Foreign keys / Composite Keys / ...
    • Cuncurrency Control and Isolation levels
    • Pesimistic and Optimistic locking
  • Redis as In Memory db (types/threading system/...)
  • Learn a no-sql (ElasticSearch or MongoDB for the beginners)
  • Learn PDO and two different patterns of ORMs like Doctrine and Eloquent

Deployment Cencepts

  • Basic usage of Linux terminal
    • Package/Repository management
    • File system manipulations
    • Systemctl and Services
    • Install PHP and Composer
    • Basic Unix ACL
  • Docker
    • Image
    • Container
    • Basic storage and mounting
    • Basic usage of registry
  • Web server
    • Nginx basic stuff
    • HAProxy (Optional, not required)
  • Basic network concepts: Try khanacademy course

Advanced Concepts

  • 12 Factor of Software as service
  • Message queue and PubSub [Use redis for the sake of simplicity, Use RabbitMQ or Kafka for more advanced purposes]
  • Cache invalidation

Design and Architecture [Advanced topics]


  • Git and Git Flow
  • Markdown
  • 10 fingers typing
  • Learn vim or nano