Python Django and serverless with AWS

A RESTful Django application connected to AWS services using the Serverless Framework.

Local Development

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Serverless Framework globally: npm i -g serverless
  2. Install two plugins for serverless: serverless plugin install -n serverless-wsgi serverless plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
  3. Activate your virtual environment: source /venv/bin/activate
  4. Install Python dependencies using pip: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. aws configure (Enter your AWS Access Key and Secret Key when prompted).
  6. python runserver
  7. app will be running on http://localhost:8000

Deployment to AWS Lambda

After completing the configuration and testing locally, you can deploy the project as an AWS Lambda function:

serverless deploy

This command will package and deploy your application to AWS Lambda and configure the necessary AWS resources.

Available Endpoints

The application exposes two endpoints that can be tested using Postman or other API testing tools:

  1. Create a Device (POST Request):

    • Endpoint: <aws-gateway>/api/devices
    • Description: This endpoint allows you to create a new device by sending a POST request.
  2. Get a Device (GET Request):

    • Endpoint: <aws-gateway>/{device_id}
    • Description: This endpoint retrieves information about a device by providing its ID in a GET request.

Postman Collection

A Postman collection for testing the API endpoints is provided in the /postman directory. You can import this collection into Postman to simplify the testing process.

Running Unit Tests

You can run unit tests for the project using the following command: python test