
ngx-tree component for Angular. support nested object,async data,drag and drop,instant search

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Axiom Tree

Online Demo

Usage Demo

Stackblitz Demo

Edit demo on stackblitz


Install component package from npm :

npm install axiom-ngx-tree

Import component module :
import { AxiomNgxTreeModule } from 'axiom-ngx-tree';


  imports: [
  declarations: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]



<ax-ngx-tree [axData]="data" 
    [axSearch]= "search"
Use custom templates for nodes

First, Create a template tag then use item property to access node data

<ng-template #t let-item="item">
    {{ item.first_name }} {{ item.last_name }}

Then pass custom template reference to [axTemplate] input parameter


Drag and drop support

For add drag and drop feature just set [axDragDrop] property value to true

Alt Text

@Input() Params

Name Usage
axId Data uniqueidentifier property name
axTitle Default node title (Used in nodes without custom template )
axCollectionItem Name list propery (like items in an object)
axSearchValue Search model value for providing instant search
axSelectable Make tree selectable
axSearch Search function with type (item: any, search: string): boolean
axTemplate Make custom node template
axDragDrop Add drag and drop feature
axAsync Set tree to work async
axLeaf Data propery name to check a node is leaf in data tree or not (Just use in async mode)
axAsyncReader Reader function to get async data for inner nodes
axData Tree data

@Output() Params

Name Usage
axSelection Emit an array containing selected nodes
axSelect Emit a object refers to current node
