
πŸ“ŒNearby Locations: an app created with React to find nearby locations easily

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

πŸ—ΊοΈ Β· Nearby Locations React Β·

GitHub license PRs Welcome codebeat badge CodeFactor Codacy Badge Lighthouse Badge GTMetrix Badge

πŸ”Ž Overview

Nearby Locations is a public service to explore your current nearby places as fast as possible. Even more, find your nearby locations details. Created with React with awesome components.

This app looks like this:

Screenshots may change in the future because of UI/UX changes.

πŸ–₯️ Desktop view:

πŸ“± Mobile view:

Homepage Locations Details

πŸš€ Usage

Run this commands in respectively in your terminal.

 git clone https://github.com/mohammadnedaei/Nearby-Locations-React.git
 cd Nearby-Locations-React
 npm i

Change .env properties depending in your information and then go to the next step.

 npm start

npm start Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.

🧰 Libraries and Tools

βœ… Responsive Design & Mobile Friendly
βœ… PWA (5/7)
βœ… Lighthouse

  • Performance (%99)
  • Lighthouse Accessibility (%100)
  • Lighthouse Best Practices (%92)
  • Lighthouse SEO (%100)

βœ… Heroicons
βœ… Tailwind UI
βœ… Material UI

  • Material icons

βœ… Axios
βœ… React Router
βœ… React Hooks
βœ… jQuery
βœ… React Responsive Carousel
βœ… React Gradient Text (rgt)
βœ… Github Pages
βœ… Foursquare API

πŸ”§ Contributing

Feel free to fork this repo and make pull requests. You can learn more about React here


🚧 Code factor & code quality tools improvements
πŸ”ƒ Add Shortcuts in manifest
🚧 Include rating API (use in locations page and details)
🚧 Fix desktop Chrome and Opera geolocation bug
🚧 Add a Loader for locations list
πŸ”ƒ StoryBook
πŸ”ƒ Add install button in settings for PWA desktop
πŸ”ƒ Service Worker for push notifications
πŸ”ƒ Service Worker for Cache
πŸ”ƒ Service Worker for fetch

πŸ’š Support


✍🏻 Author

 Mohammad Nedaei

πŸ“ž Contact

Discord: Mohammad81#3277


©️ License

Nearby Locations is MIT licensed.