
This is final project of Principles of Database Design

Primary LanguagePython

Principles-of-Database-Design Final Project

Table of Contents


This is final project of Principles-of-Database-Design. This is an implementation of a database for chain library stores. We have two main entities, User entity and Library administrator. These two entities should have these features and abilities:

User: a user should be able to register, login and get and change information of the account, search for a book, booking a book, give back the book, increase balance.

Libarary Administrator: an administrator shoud be able to add a book, get list of booked books, get list of books which their return date is passed, list of users who have taken a specific book, search users, observe information of users and their history.


Project is created with:

  • Python version: 3.7


To run this project, use below commands:

$ python3 main.py