Crowd Funding DAPP

An example Dapp project build for Solana network using the Anchor framework.

Things Learned

  1. To generate a new public-private key use command:

    solana-keygen new -o id.json
  2. After modifing src folder and Anchor.toml use command:

    anchor build

    we can get the program id by using command:

    solana address -k ./target/deploy/crowd_funding-keypair.json

    then, we copy the program id and past it in

    • crowd_funding field inside Anchor.toml.
    • declare_id! macro inside src/

    then run command:

    anchor build # again

    then run command:

    anchor deploy
  3. To see the Dapp in Solana Explorer:

    1. copy the Program Id shown after deploying the Dapp.
    2. go to and paste the Program Id in the search field.