This analysis is part of EPAR Technical Report #337: Seasonal Hunger and Coping and Prevention Strategies in Malawi:
This repository includes the Stata .do file to replicate EPAR's analysis of seasonal hunger and prevention and coping strategies in Malawi. To run the analysis locally, open the .do file and change the directory filepaths as necessary.
The .do file also includes code for data cleaning and variable construction. The data are from the Malawi LSMS-ISA. To recreate the dataset, you will need to download Malawi raw data from the World Bank for both waves. This includes signing a use agreement. The data are available at:,,contentMDK:23635480~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:3358997,00.html
If you use or modify our code, please cite us using the provided citation and DOI.