use machine learning models (svm ,random forest ,naive_bayes) to detect offinsive arabic tweets from OSACT 2022 competition ,models on original tweets ( no preprocessing for tweets)
--used liberaries--
-sklearn (tf-idf ,train_test_split ,classification report ,confusion matrix ,svm ,random forest ,naive_bayes) -pandas -numpy
--files description--
-tf-idf_on_original_data (apply tf-idf and models)
-NLP_preprocessing (apply preprocessing and data cleaning)
-HT4.csv (saved preprocessed data)
-nlp_ht (original data from OSACT 2022)
-convert txt file to csv -deal with null values -convert string labels to numbers (OFF ,VIO ,VLG)->[0,1] (HS)->one-hot encoding
--in process for 2nd version--
-deal with emojies with keeping its meanings -remove stop words -limitize words -padding tweets to be the same length -word embidding -use RNN -try BERT