Deepin Boot Maker is a tool that helps user to create a bootable usb stick quick and easy, it is designed to support deepin install iso, but it works for all ubuntu live install iso too.
Deepin Boot Maker is designed to support Windows/Linux/Mac platforms. It has no external dependencies on Windows and Mac OS. On Linux, you need packages below:
#For release based on debian
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full mtools syslinux syslinux-common
Official support platform:
Deepin 2015
Mac OSX 10.12
Windows 7 32/64bit, Windows 8 32/64 bit.
- Official binary release
The only binary release is from Deepin OS iso for now. You can download iso from: Or you can find binary file on the root of iso.
- Repository Install
If you are deepin user, you can install Deepin Boot Maker from repository:
sudo apt-get install deepin-boot-maker
- Build and install
See INSTALL for detail.
Any usage issues can ask for help via
We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes
- Contribution guide for developers. (English)
- 开发者代码贡献指南 (中文)
Deepin Boot Maker is licensed under GPLv3.
- UNetbootin: this projects is derived form unetbootin, but now there are big differences between them.