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This is the service 1 of this repo that will get the file from icap-server and upload it to minio

Steps of processing

When it starts

  • Listens on the queue
  • Get the file from the queue
  • upload it to minio bucket
  • Push the file details to the queue


  • This pod need to mount the share storage mounted on icap server and that is how they will share the file together
  • It's possible to have multiple replica of this service running. Only one will get the file and process it

Docker build

  • To build the docker image
git clone https://github.com/k8-proxy/go-k8s-srv1.git
cd k8-proxy/go-k8s-srv1
docker build -t <docker_image_name> .


  • First make sure that you have rabbitmq and minio running.
  • For quick start using docker to run containers for RabbitMQ and MinIO.
  • Run Standalone MinIO on Docker.
docker run -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=<minio_root_user_name>" \
-e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=<minio_root_password>" \
-d -p 9000:9000 minio/minio server /data
  • Run RabbitMQ on Docker.
docker run -d --hostname <host_name> --name <container_name> -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
  • To run the container
docker run -e ADAPTATION_REQUEST_QUEUE_HOSTNAME='<rabbit-host>' \
-e MESSAGE_BROKER_USER='<rabbit-user>' \
-e MESSAGE_BROKER_PASSWORD='<rabbit-password>' \
-e MINIO_ENDPOINT='<minio-endpoint>' \
-e MINIO_ACCESS_KEY='<minio-access>' \
-e MINIO_SECRET_KEY='<minio-secret>' \
-e MINIO_SOURCE_BUCKET='<bucket-to-upload-file>' \
-e MINIO_CLEAN_BUCKET='<bucket-to-upload-file>' \

--name <docker_container_name> <docker_image_name>
  • Please note that in the previous command:

    • To get the variable <rabbit-host> run:
    docker inspect <rabbitmq_container_name>
    • It will be the value of key: IPAddress

Testing steps

  • Run the containers as mentionned above
  • Be sure that there is a bucket with the same name you entered for <bucket-to-upload-file> among MinIO buckets.
  • Publish data reference to rabbitMq on queue name : adaptation-request-queue with the following data(table):
  • file-id : An ID for the file
  • source-file-location : The full path to the file
  • rebuilt-file-location : A full path representing the location where the rebuilt file will go to
  • Check your container logs to see the processing
docker logs <container name>

Rebuild flow to implement
