
Notifications is a Microservice for sending Push notifications and SMSs using AWS SNS πŸš€

Primary LanguageRuby



Notifications is a Microservice for sending Push notifications and SMSs using AWS SNS πŸš€

Installation βš™οΈ

Clone the service Repo
Enter the Repo Dir cd /notifications.
Copy the enviroment variables to .env cp .env.example .env

Feel free to edit the following variables in .env

SIDEKIQ_THREADS=10 Number of threads for sidekiq process  
SMS_LIMIT_PER_MINUTE=100 number of SMS messages processed per minute   
PUSH_LIMIT_PER_MINUTE=100  number of push notification messages processed per minute  

Run the service docker-compose up
Create and migrate the database docker-compose exec app rails db:create db:migrate.
Seed the database with mock user data docker-compose exec app rails db:seed

Run Rspec Tests πŸ§ͺ

docker-compose exec -e RAILS_ENV=test app rspec

API Docs πŸ“•

Basic Auth creds
Username: username
Password: password

Service API Auth πŸ”“

Basic Auth creds
Username: username
Password: password

Assumptions πŸ€”

  • The database gets the user data from another service mocked with seeds for testing
  • We use AWS SNS to send SMSs and Push Notifications mocked with localstack

Users filters πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

filters are sent over notifications creation as json object, the filter is the key and the value is the query you want to filter the users with (example included in the swagger api docs)

feel free to use any of the following filters


Rate limiting 🏁

I use Sidekiq as the job background processor
You can monitor the queue consuming through here http://localhost:3000/sidekiq/queues

Mainly we have three queues default, sms_notifications, push_notifications. on Firing a noticiation we send a message over the default queue which handled by the NotificationWorker, then the NotificationWorker use the filter to get the targeted users, after that the NotificationWorker will dicide which channel the message should be published to, according to the notification channel type, if the message is sms message it will go to the SmsWorker, the NotificationWorker will iterate over the targeted users and push messages to the SmsWorker

Each one the channel queues has a limit over the queue.


  • Create a relation between notifications and users and save the delivery status
  • Add More Tests

Kindly, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.