
This repository contains a Python script that downloads videos from Pexels and shows a progress bar for each video using the tqdm library.

Primary LanguageHTML

Pexels Video Downloader

This Python script downloads videos from Pexels and shows a progress bar for each video using the tqdm library.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library
  • tqdm library
  • Pexels API key


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine or download the ZIP file and extract it.
  2. Install the required libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Replace PEXELS_API variable with your own API key from Pexels.


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the script is saved.
  2. Run the command python pexels_video_downloader.py.
  3. The script will download the videos and show a progress bar for each video in the terminal.
  4. The downloaded videos will be saved in a new folder called pexels_video.


  • The script will download the first 100 videos that match the search query. If you want to download more or less videos, change the results_per_page parameter in the api.search_videos method.
  • The progress bar is shown using the tqdm library. If you don't want to see the progress bar, remove the tqdm code block in the script.
  • This script is provided as-is and is not guaranteed to work in all situations. Use at your own risk.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.