- I tried to build a mini programming language that has syntax similar to python with C
- And redo some exercices from 42pool and Libft project with it
- I've also borrow some attributes from javascript X'D
- You can check the tutorial for more details
- This project was made for fun
- The folder /test_mini contains lot of examples, feel free to check it
- installation
- clone the repo cd to it
- then run command
./mini path_to_your_file.mini # create a file with .mini as extention
first hello word:
output("hello world")
// this is line of comment
""" this is bloc of comments X'D """
variable declaration and data types:
- number:
num = 123 output("num is ", num, "\n")
- characters (one character or string):
str = "hello world" output("str is ", str, "\n")
- array:
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] output("array has value: ", array, "\n")
- object:
obj = { stname: "mohammed", ndname:"hrima", age:25 } output("obj is ", obj, "\n") // in case you want to access one of object attributes output("obj has stname ", obj.stname, " and ndname ", obj.ndname, " and age ", obj.age, "\n")
ps: you can split data types with comma ',' in ouput function like print does in python
- boolean:
boolean = true output("this is boolean with value ", boolean, "\n") boolean = false output("this is boolean with value ", boolean, "\n")
- Wait there is something else you may need to check
- All data types has an attribute "type" that return data type name as string
output("str has type ", str.type, "\n") output("num has type ", num.type, "\n") output("obj has type ", obj.type, "\n") output("array has type ", array.type, "\n") output("boolean has type ", boolean.type, "\n")
stname = input("Enter first name: ") ndname = input("Enter second name: ")
to output the current input:
method 1 :output("Your full name is ", stname, " ", ndname, "\n")
method 2:
fullname = stname + " " + ndname // you can use + operator to concatinate two strings output("Your full name is ", fullname, "\n") // here is another aproach output("Your full name is " + fullname + "\n")
input does read input as string and assign it to left variable, in case you want to read a number,
you can use tonum attribute, and here is what to do itnum = input("Enter your birthyear > ").tonum output("Your age is: ", 2023 - num, "\n") // here is anotehr aproach num1 = input("Enter your birthyear > ") output("Your age is: ", 2023 - num1.tonum, "\n")
- Iteration:
str = "this is a string" output("str[0] is ", str[0], "\n")
- concatination:
str1 = "hello " str2 = "world" output("str1 + str2 is ", str1 + str2)
- indexof:
str = "abcdefghijklmno" output("index of de in str ", str.indexof("de"), "\n") output("index of fe in str ", str.indexof("fe"), "\n") // return -1 if doesn't exist
- count:
str = "abcdefgahijaklmno" output("there is ",str.count("a")," a in str", "\n") output("there is ",str.count("z")," z in str", "\n")
- split:
str = "abcdefgahijaklmno" array = str.split("a") output("array is: ", array, "\n")
- trim:
str = "abcdefgahijaklmnoabc" output("trim str by 'abc' ", str ,"\n") output("str after triming ", str.trim("abc") ,"\n")
- startswith: (return boolean value)
str = "abcdefgahijaklmnoabc" output(str.startswith("abc") ,"\n") output(str.startswith("abce") ,"\n")
- endswith: (return boolean value)
str = "abcdefgahijaklmno" output(str.endswith("mno") ,"\n") output(str.endswith("mnop") ,"\n")
- toupper:
str = "abcdefg" output("to upper: ", str.toup, "\n")
- tolower:
str = "RSTUVWX" output("to low: ", str.tolow, "\n\n")
- tonumber:
str = "123" output(str.tonum, "\n\n")
- isupper:
str = "ABC" output(str.isup, "\n\n")
- islower:
str = "abc" output(str.islow, "\n\n")
- ischaracter:
str = "abc" output(str.ischar, "\n\n")
- isnum:
str = "123" output(str.isnum, "\n\n")
- len:
str = "abcdefgi" output(str.len, "\n\n")
- type:
str = "abcd" output(str.type, "\n\n")
- base:
n = 10 output("n in base 10 is: ", n.base("0123456789"), "\n") output("n in base 16 is: ", n.base("0123456789ABCDEF"), "\n") output("n in base 2 is: ", n.base("01"), "\n")
- tocharacter:
output("n to characters ", n.tochar,"\n")
- type:
output(n.type, "\n")
- iteration:
array = ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", "\n"] output("array[0] is ", array[0], "\n")
- concatination:
array1 = [1,2,3] array2 = [4,5,6] array3 = array1 + array2 output("array1 + array2 is ", array3)
- indexof:
array = [11,22,33] output("index of 22 in array ", array.indexof(22), "\n")
- count:
array = [11,22,33, 44, 55, 11, 22, 33, 11] output("there is ",array.count(11)," 11 in array", "\n")
- len:
array = [11,22,33, 44, 55, 11, 22, 33, 11] output(array.len, "\n")
- type:
array = [11,22,33, 44, 55, 11, 22, 33, 11] output(array.type, "\n")
- type:
value = true value = false output(value.type, "\n")
- you can access object values by there keys:
obj = { name: "mohammed", age: 25 } output(obj, "\n") output("obj has name: ", obj.name, " and age ", obj.age,"\n") output("obj name has len ", obj.name.len,"\n")
- to check if two strings are the stname
str1 = "abcdef" str2 = "abcdef"
- method 1:
res = str1 == str2 output("1st method: check if str1 is same as str2: ", res, "\n")
- method 2:
res = str1 is str2 output("2nd method: check if str1 is same as str2: ", res, "\n")
x = 1 y = 12 output("check if x is equal to y: ", x == y, "\n")
- examples:
res = 6 < 66 output("check if 6 is less than 66: ", res, "\n")
x = 1 y = 12 output("check if x is equal to y: ", x < y, "\n")
- examples:
- and:
res = 0 < 1 and 1 < 2 output("test 'and': ", res, "\n")
res = 10 < 1 && 1 < 2 output("test '&&': ", res, "\n")
- or:
res = 10 < 1 or 1 < 2 output("test 'or': ", res, "\n")
res = 10 < 1 || 1 < 2 output("test '||': ", res, "\n")
- examples:
x = 10 if x % 2 == 0: output("is odd\n") else: output("is even\n")
y = -10 if y == 0: output("is zero\n") elif y > 0: output("is more than zero\n") else: output("is less than zero\n")
- examples:
x = 0 while x < 10: output("increment x: ", x ,"\n") x += 1
y = 10 while y > 0: output("decrement y: ", y, "\n") y -= 1
- examples:
array = [11,22,33,44,55] for x in range(0, array.len): output("array[",x, "] is ", array[x], "\n")
- range function: return array of number
range(0, 10) // return [0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9] range(10, 0) // return [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
- you can use 'in' keyword to iterate over array:
array = [11,22,33,44,55] for x in range(0, array.len): output("array[",x, "] is ", array[x], "\n")
- to iterate over string with for loop
str = "abcdefghijklmnop" for z in range(str.len - 1, 0): output("str[",z,"] is ", str[z], "\n")
- examples:
func sayHi(str): output("hello ",str, "\n") sayHi("Kidoo")
- return keyword:
func add(x,y): return x + y output("2 + 5 is ", add(2, 5), "\n")