
Web service to get and organize weather stats.

Primary LanguageJava


Web service to get and organize weather stats.

Problem Statement

Many weather web services return massive amounts of data when you request from their url. The data would be easier to use if it were organized into a weekly report instead of separate requests to obtain the data. Our service will make the requests necessary to generate a weekly weather report.

Project Plan

Week 7

  • Create project repository on GitHub
  • Complete Problem Statement

Week 8

  • Research weather WebService
  • Create project structure in IntelliJ

Week 9

  • Spring break
  • Set up project structure for logging
  • Set up project structure for unit testing
  • Create request object to get weather data
  • Create Pojo(s) for saving the daily weather
  • Create unit tests for each class
  • Create class for outputting service
  • Task management (assign remaining tasks to each team member)
  • Double check the due date and make revisions to the project plan

Week 10

  • Debug output class
  • Convert incoming request to usable json data that will be sent as our web service
  • change instance variables name to match request
  • Do something fun

Week 11

  • Deploy the service to OpenShift.
  • Build to allow input of lat/long. zip code ? city ? and return of the actual data.
  • Be sure to externalize any hard-coded values, like the service url into a property file
  • Add java docs
  • Be sure each unit test includes an assertion
  • create a user guide
  • add a package structure rather than having your classes directly under src
  • will the service handle a condition in which the service/s you depend on are down?

Week 12

  • Create PowerPoint
  • User Guide and page to show how to use the service
  • Group presentation