Chat Room Application with Dart and Flutter


This project is a robust chat room application crafted with Dart and Flutter, leveraging the power of Socket for seamless real-time communication. Whether you want to connect with friends, colleagues, or family members, this app provides a reliable platform for instant messaging.

Team Members


This application revolutionizes communication by offering users a feature-rich environment to interact in real-time. By integrating Dart and Flutter, it ensures a fluid user experience with a sleek interface.

Key Features

  • User Authentication: Seamlessly register, log in, and log out.
  • Persistent Login State: Enjoy the convenience of staying logged in across devices.
  • Real-time Messaging: Exchange messages instantly with other users.
  • Contact Management: Search and add contacts, with the ability to accept or decline requests.
  • Cross-Device Message Sync: Access your messages from any device seamlessly.
  • Offline Messaging: Send messages even when the recipient is offline, mimicking SMTP behavior.
  • File Handling: Effortlessly transfer files to and from the server.

Socket Integration in Dart

Socket programming in Dart facilitates direct communication between nodes on a network. In this project, Socket is utilized to establish and maintain real-time connections between users within the chat room.

Usage Instructions

  1. Run the Server: Start the server to enable communication.
  2. Download and Install the App: Obtain the application and install it on your device.
  3. Log In: Enter your credentials to access the app.
  4. Add Contacts: Search for users and add them to your contacts list.
  5. Start Chatting: Initiate conversations with your contacts effortlessly.

Note: Ensure that the server is operational for the application to function correctly.

Compilation and Deployment

To clone this project using command prompt in a Windows environment with Dart SDK configured, follow these steps:

git clone 

Configuring the server for the chat room application typically involves:

  1. Navigating to the Server Directory: Access the server files.
  2. Installing Dependencies: If necessary, install any required dependencies.
  3. Starting the Server: Launch the server to enable communication.
# Navigate to the server directory
cd Server

# Install dependencies (if any)
dart pub get

# Start the server
dart run


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Empower your communication experience with our Dart and Flutter-powered chat room application today!