Build a CRUD API with Node.js and PostgreSQL

A CRUD API created with Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize and PostgreSQL. The REST API will run on an Express.js server and the endpoints for performing CRUD operations against a PostgreSQL database.

General info

Full functioning CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) Blog Application.

Request Methods

These are the methods chosen on the Postman which is used for testing the endpoints.

Method Description
GET Used to retrieve a single item or collection of items.
POST Used when creating new items e.g. a new blog
PATCH Used to update one or more fields on an item e.g. update title of a blog.
DELETE Used to delete an item.


Now that we’ve learned about the anatomy of our endpoints and the different request methods that we should use, it’s time for some examples:

BASE_URL: http://localhost:8081

Method URL Description
GET /api/blogs Retrieve all blogs.
GET /api/blogs/:id Retrieve a blog.
POST /api/blogs Create a new blog.
PATCH /api/blogs/:id Update a blog.
DELETE /api/blogs/:id Delete a blog.
GET /api/healthchecker To test succession of the API.


  • Node should be installed on your PC.
  • PostgreSQL needs to be installed and running.
  • Docker should be installed and Makefile is in the repository folder to create compose docker.
  • Postman to perform CRUD operations on the backend database.


  • Create a PostgreSQL database by renaming .env.sample to .env and updating the information to your details.
  • Run yarn install to install dependencies.
  • Run yarn start to compile the app and connect to server localhost: 8081