
Stock Trading App in Python/Flask, using SQLite3 for the DB and HTML/CSS (Bootstrap) for the front end

Primary LanguagePython

Trading Platform

Stock Trading Game in Python/Flask, using SQL for the DB and HTML/CSS (Bootstrap) for the layout. Featuring user registration/login and real time stock price query using API.


  • Python 3.7.3 - The Back-End

  • Flask - The Web Framework used

  • Jinja - Template Engine

  • SQLite - Database Engine

  • BootStrap - Front-End component (Menu)

  • Screenshots

Register Buy Main Sell History

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You will need Python 3.x and the following libraries and packages. Type commands in terminal to install:

pip install flask

pip install flask_session

pip install sqlite3

pip install cs50

In addition, you will need a Vantage AUTH Key to access real-time stock data and use this application. Request a Key by signing up on Alpha Vantage


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Download all files into a folder. Ensure that all imported libraries in app.py and helpers.py are installed on your machine or virtual environment.

Edit helpers.py by replacing 'AUTH_KEY' in the lookup() function with your personal AUTH Key (See prerequisites)

url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?apikey=AUTH_KEY&datatype=csv&function" \
              f"=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&interval=1min&symbol={symbol} "

Run the program on your machine or virtual environment.

flask run

Task List

  • Realized gains/losses, and addition to volume-dependent service fee per transaction
  • Graphical representation of performance vs major stock indices (S&P 500, DOW, etc.)

License / Copyright

  • Completed as part of Harvard CS50 Curriculum