
A collection of useful PHP functions for different purposes.

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A collection of useful PHP functions for different purposes.


  • getMySQLEnumValues: Extracts options from MySQL's enum field definition into an array: enum('male','female').
  • validUsername: Checks if the supplied string is a valid username that is: english only, no spaces, starts with letters only, contains only letters, numbers and underscores but does not end with an underscore.
  • isPasswordStrong: Checks if password is strong containing at least: 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, 8 characters long.
  • isEnglish: Checks if text is in english only letters.
  • validTimestamp: Checks if a string is a valid timestamp.
  • removeHttpProtocol: Removes protocol prefix (http://) or (https://) from a link.
  • trimExtraSpace: Removes any extra white spaces from the beginning, end, and in between words.
  • cleanText: Cleans text from any html and duplicate spaces or new lines.
  • validEmail: Checks if the string is a valid email address.
  • validDate: Checks if string is a valid date.
  • validUrl: Checks if string is a valid URL address.
  • calculateAge: Calculates the age for a given birth date and returns the age in years, months, days, decimal.
  • imgResize: Resizes an image.
  • getIP: Returns the IP address of the current internet session.
  • getUseragent: Returns the useragent string of the current internet session.
  • randomString: Generates random alpha-numeric string.
  • isWindows: Checks if the current environment is Windows based.
  • removeDir: Recursively deletes a directory and its entire contents.
  • scanDirForFiles: Scans a dir and return an array of files based on file extension (jpg|png|gif).