
an experimentory repo for SwapSwop

Primary LanguageJava

Group: Section 2 Group H

Project Title: SwapSwop

Description: SwapSwop is a platform that allows users to exchange items and tasks between themselved. This is an Android-based application.

Current Status: We have integrated the main logic of the application along with the chat. We were not able to integrate the notification and ratings parts due to time constraints.

Group Members:

Ali Caner Kilci: Wrote the code to sort offers and search through them. Designed the search screen with Mohammed. Helped to prepare report documents.

Burak Yetistiren: Worked on notifications with Hakan and created some screens. Integrated chats. Helped to prepare report documents.

Mustafa Hakan Kara: Worked on notifications with Burak. Helped to prepare report documents.

Osama Tanveer: Designed and implemented the login and registration page using the Fireabase Database. Created the add page, allowing the users to add offers to SwapSwop. Created the user class along with Mohammed. Worked on integrating display offers, search through offers, add offer, and chat feature into one platform. Designed the More menu with Ali Caner. Resolved bugs of the code. Worked on the writing part of the report documents.

Süleyman Salih Demir: Created the graphical user interface pictures for the reports. Worked on the creation of the actual graphical user interface for all pages in the application. Created the chat part of the application. Worked to collect each part in one application.

Mohammed Sameer Yaseen: Created the home display screen that displays the offers. Worked on getting data from the data base. Worked alongside Süleyman on creating the chat fragment of the application. Worked with Osama to debug.

Muhammed Ikbal Dogan: Worked with Süleyman on the coding of chat part of the application. Worked on the texts that are written in the reports. Helped Mohammed and Süleyman to create the graphical user interfaces.

Code: Android Studio (v.3.4) has used to implement the project. As database we used the Google’s free database firebase.

Instructions: We have compressed the android studio project. Extract the project from the zip file and open the folder as a project in Android Studio. Also, on the folder swapswop/app/build/outputs/apk/debug there should be a file called app-debug.apk which can be installed on an android device.