Deep-learning-for-computer-vision-V4.0 / Wameedh Scientific Club


deep learning for computer vision

this is a deep learning workshop done in Wameedh Scientific CLub.

We Started by:

1.learning the Concept of Machine Learning throughout linear regression and logistic regression.

2.Introducing the different Machine Learning algorithms like : decision tree, random forest , Support vector machine and some codes.

3.we introduced numpy, pandas, scikit-learn libraries followed by linear regression full explanation with code and introducing neural networks; and giving a task in logistic regression.

4.Starting with deep learning by introducing deep learning algorithms like: deep neural networks, Recurrent neural networks, Long short term memory, Transformer model, Generative adversial networks , and Convolutional neural networks.

5.diving deep into Convolutional neural networks by explaining each layer and introducing Pytorch framework.

6.simple project code demonstration of VGG19 classification model for flower classification; and a task to be done classification.

Some Resources :

diving deep into the concepts of Machine learning and deep learning, i recommend andrew ng courses on : Machine Learning Specialization : Deep Learning specialization :

To have a good visual understanding of neural networks, i recommend :

for the ones who want accelerated learning, you can see the MIT course with labs : with corresponding videos :

Scikit-learn map : ml_map

virtual environments :

virtual environements are very important in handling dependencies, for each AI project you need some certain dependencies, so , if you have many projects, there will be conflicts and errors in dependencies , for example if project1 requires pytorch V1.0 and project2 requires pytorch V2.0 ==> THIS WILL RESULT AN ERROR or conflict. in that case we use virtual environement so that we can install for each project its requirements and versions.

Available environments that i am aware of :



you can use either one of them.

PS: venv is faster than conda.

some documentations you may find useful :

pandas DataFrame :

pytorch layers and function :

VGG19 paper :