
Early stage of Indians Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

#Early stage of Indians Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)

Index Information:

        age     -   age 
        bp      -   blood pressure
        sg      -   specific gravity
        al      -       albumin
        su      -   sugar
        rbc     -   red blood cells
        pc      -   pus cell
        pcc     -   pus cell clumps
        ba      -   bacteria
        bgr     -   blood glucose random
        bu      -   blood urea
        sc      -   serum creatinine
        sod     -   sodium
        pot     -   potassium
        hemo        -   hemoglobin
        pcv     -   packed cell volume
        wc      -   white blood cell count
        rc      -   red blood cell count
        htn     -   hypertension
        dm      -   diabetes mellitus
        cad     -   coronary artery disease
        appet       -   appetite
        pe      -   pedal edema
        ane     -   anemia
        class       -   class   

Number of Instances: 400 (250 CKD, 150 notckd)

##Number of Attributes: 24 + class = 25 ( 11 numeric ,14 nominal) ##Attribute Information : 1.Age(numerical) age in years 2.Blood Pressure(numerical) bp in mm/Hg 3.Specific Gravity(nominal) sg - (1.005,1.010,1.015,1.020,1.025) 4.Albumin(nominal) al - (0,1,2,3,4,5) 5.Sugar(nominal) su - (0,1,2,3,4,5) 6.Red Blood Cells(nominal) rbc - (normal,abnormal) 7.Pus Cell (nominal) pc - (normal,abnormal) 8.Pus Cell clumps(nominal) pcc - (present,notpresent) 9.Bacteria(nominal) ba - (present,notpresent) 10.Blood Glucose Random(numerical)
bgr in mgs/dl 11.Blood Urea(numerical)
bu in mgs/dl 12.Serum Creatinine(numerical)
sc in mgs/dl 13.Sodium(numerical) sod in mEq/L 14.Potassium(numerical) pot in mEq/L 15.Hemoglobin(numerical) hemo in gms 16.Packed Cell Volume(numerical) 17.White Blood Cell Count(numerical) wc in cells/cumm 18.Red Blood Cell Count(numerical)
rc in millions/cmm 19.Hypertension(nominal)
htn - (yes,no) 20.Diabetes Mellitus(nominal)
dm - (yes,no) 21.Coronary Artery Disease(nominal) cad - (yes,no) 22.Appetite(nominal)
appet - (good,poor) 23.Pedal Edema(nominal) pe - (yes,no)
24.Anemia(nominal) ane - (yes,no) 25.Class (nominal)
class - (ckd,notckd)

##Missing Attribute Values: Yes(Denoted by "?") ##Class Distribution: ( 2 classes) Class Number of instances ckd 250 notckd 150