
Comprehensive collection of Python implementations and explanations for essential data structures and algorithms

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Python Data Structures and Algorithms🐍📊


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This repository serves as a comprehensive roadmap for mastering data structures, algorithms, and various advanced topics in computer science and software development. Whether you're a beginner looking to start your journey or an experienced developer aiming to brush up on your skills, this guide has something for everyone.

Table of Contents

Basic Data Structures

  • Lists
  • Arrays
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Linked lists

Basic Algorithms

  • Searching Algorithms
    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
  • Sorting
    • Bubble Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Heap Sort
    • Counting Sort
    • Radix Sort
    • Bucket Sort
  • Recursion
  • Backtracking

Advanced Data Structures

  • Hash Tables
  • Trees
    • Binary Trees
    • Binary Search Trees
    • AVL Trees
    • Red-Black Trees
    • B-Trees -Heaps
    • Min Heap
    • Max Heap
  • Graphs
    • Graph Representation
    • Graph Traversal
  • Tries
  • Segment Trees
  • Bloom Filters
  • Disjoint-Set (Union-Find)

Advanced Algorithms

  • Depth-First Search (DFS)
  • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Greedy Algorithms

Algorithmic Paradigms

  • Sliding Window Technique
  • Two-Pointer Technique
  • Bit Manipulation
  • Recursion with Memoization
  • In-place Algorithms

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity (Big O notation)
  • Space Complexity
  • Amortized Analysis
  • Best, Worst, and Average Case Analysis

Problem Solving and Practice

  • Utilize platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, Codeforces, and others for practice.
  • Solve problems by category (e.g., arrays, strings, trees).
  • Participate in coding contests and challenges.

Advanced Topics

  • String Algorithms (Longest Common Subsequence, Edit Distance, etc.)
  • Computational Geometry
  • Network Flow Algorithms (Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp)
  • NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms

Design Patterns

  • Singleton
  • Factory
  • Observer
  • Strategy
  • Decorator
  • Command
  • State

System Design

  • Scalability
  • Load Balancing
  • Caching
  • Database Sharding
  • Microservices

Learning Resources

Explore the following resources to further enhance your knowledge and skills:

Additional resources:

  • GeeksforGeeks - Provides tutorials, articles, and practice problems on various computer science topics, including data structures and algorithms in Python.
  • LeetCode - Offers a wide range of coding challenges and practice problems on data structures and algorithms, ideal for testing your skills and learning new concepts.
  • HackerRank - Features coding challenges and practice problems on data structures and algorithms, along with tutorials and articles on various computer science topics.

This structure should provide a clear and systematic organization of your topics related to data structures and algorithms in Python.

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