I'm interfacing an Arduino Uno with a camera and using Python to implement face recognition.

Primary LanguagePython


This project integrates an Arduino Uno with a 16x2 LCD and implements face recognition using Python.



  • Arduino Uno (Arduino UNO R3)
  • 16x2 LCD Display


  • Arduino IDE
  • Python (version 3.x)
  • Visual Studio Desktop Development Tools
  • CMake

Python Modules:

  • OpenCV
  • Dlib (requires CMake for installation)
  • Face_recognition
  • PySerial

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Upload ard_chaser.ino to the Arduino board using the Arduino IDE.
  3. Modify the serial port name in the Face_Rec script:
    ArduinoConn = serial.Serial("YOUR_SERIAL_PORT", 9600)  # Replace "YOUR_SERIAL_PORT" with your actual port (e.g., "COM3" on Windows)
  4. Run the Face_Rec script.

This setup will enable the Arduino to interface with the camera and display recognized individuals' names on the LCD. If a face is not recognized, the display will show "Unknown."