
PredictIt - A Disease Predictor Model which uses ML to detect the disease and show precautions and predicted disease accordingly.

Primary LanguagePython


PredictIt - A Disease Predictor Website which uses ML to detect the disease and show precautions and predicted disease accordingly.

Built using:

  1. Flask
  2. Python Scikit Learn Libraries
  3. HTML, CSS, JS

Steps to run this site on your localhost:

  1. Install all the requirements by running the following code in terminal/cmd/ps:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Open the entire folder in your ide (VS Code preferably), then open the app.py and run the commands below (This is for user database):
py -m venv env
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial migrate"
flask db upgrade

3.Run the app.py and it should work properly.