
Made with React and Redux, uses google places autocomplete and openweather api for fetching forecast

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Link


Getting Started with the App

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install Packages using yarn/ npm.
  3. Run the app using "npm start" on localhost:3000, bydefault.

Make an .env file with two key variables and assign your keys to run the app, namely,

  • REACT_APP_GOOGLE_API_KEY = your-google-api-key
  • REACT_APP_OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY = your-open-weather-api-key

Quick Features

  1. No styling framework used here, all Hand-crafted
  2. App uses Redux( Thunk as middleware)
  3. Responsiveness added
  4. Error Boundaries for App level error handling
  5. 404 fallback for not found pages
  6. Charts have been implemented using Recharts.
  7. Features Google Places autocomplete to provide accurate results based on lat-lng.
  8. Openweather api version - onecall used for 7 days forecast and hourly temperature readings.

** I have put genuine effort into this, any questions are always WELCOME.**