
Advanced Encryption / Decryption tool !

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

What is RedCipher ?

Simple tool help you Encrypt / Decrypt messages & files !
keep your sensitive data safe and secure with 2 powerful algrothims AES, RSA


RedCipher RedCipher RedCipher RedCipher RedCipher


-e < AES, RSA > encrypt

-d < AES, RSA > decrypt

-m < MESSAGE > specfiy message

-f < FILENAME > specfiy File

-l < KEY_PATH > specfiy Key

-g < BYTES SIZE > bits for RSA keys generation

Usage AES:

encrypt Text:

python3 red_cipher.py -e aes -m "Your Message"

decrypt Cipher text:

python3 red_cipher.py -d aes -m "Encrypted Messsge"

encrypt File:

python3 red_cipher.py -e aes -f FILENAME

decrypt encrypted File:

python3 red_cipher.py -d aes -f ENC_FILENAME.redc

Usage RSA:

encrypt Text:

python3 red_cipher.py -e rsa -m "Your Message"

decrypt Cipher text:

python3 red_cipher.py -d rsa -m "Encrypted Message"

encrypt File:

python3 red_cipher.py -e rsa -f FILENAME

decrypt encrypted file:

python3 red_cipher.py -d rsa -f ENC_FILENAME.redc

Use -l to specfiy RSA key:

python3 red_cipher.py -l KEY_NAME.pem


    "settings": {

        "separator": "#####",
        "extention": ".redc",
        "key_size": 2048,
        "salt": "s%piyAc7MhDN*qAS)}YrrXb.A9_&t!",
        "use_salt": true,
        "encrypt_filename": false

separator stores the value for split aes key and encrypted data in RSA encryption function

extention this object store the encrypted file extention

key_size the default size of bits for RSA keys generation

salt stores the salt for salting AES key and make it secure ( you can change it ! )

use_salt stores boolean value false it will not use the salt true it will use the salt

encrypt_filename stores boolean value if false it will not encrypt file names for the encrypted files if it true it will encrypt it

install for linux

git clone https://github.com/RedMads/RedCipher.git

cd RedCipher

bash installers/install_linux.sh

install for Termux

git clone https://github.com/RedMads/RedCipher.git

cd RedCipher

bash installers/install_termux.sh

install for Windows

# Download ZipFile, go to click Code -> Download ZIP

# Extract "RedCipher-main.zip"

cd RedCipher
