
scripts to be executed periodically to update all my machines in parallel using mpssh.

Primary LanguageShell

How to use this script and files

clone the repository then make symbolic links of the script and .mpssh folder to your home directory (or whatever folder,` really). The following is the help message:

If you want to update all services, provide no arguments. Otherwise, you can
either update debian-based services by providing 'deb' or arch-based services by
providing 'arch' as argument.


update.servers.sh [-h | --help | deb | arch | reboot]


# to show help
update.servers.sh --help
# or
update.servers.sh -h

# to update debian based services
update.servers.sh deb

# and for arch-based servers
update.servers.sh arch

# to update all services/servers, call it w/o arguments

# to reboot services
update.servers.sh reboot

Host files format

edit the .mpssh/* hosts files to your heart desires.

The lines that start with '%' are the grouping/labels of the following lines of ssh machines to execute a command against.

note that these scripts use the mpssh command, that needs to be installed only on your pilot machine.

You, obviously, need your pilot machine's public ssh key/file on the target hosts (those listed in .mpssh/* files).