
spring-security-demo, contains filter

Primary LanguageJava

Project Description

If you want to see spring security detail description : could ses blog: spring security源码深入剖析 This Project use spring boot + spring mvc + spring security + liquibase + h2 technology.
Functions like below:

  • Custom Pre-Auth Filter: When user login into this demo, it will give an Auth token into browser cookies。And when a request come to system, Pre-auth filter will convert token to User authentication info.
  • Custom AuthenticationProcessingFilter: you can use AJAX POST {username: 'name', passwoed: 'pwd'} to this filter, and then will login in the system.
  • switchUserFilter: A super admin can switch user
  • concurrentSessionFilter : One User only can login once.
  • sessionManagementFilter : custom sessionManagementFilter
  • rememberMeFilter: custom rememberMeFilter
  • Force user login function
  • dynamic access config

How to run the project

download project

    git clone https://github.com/moheqionglin/spring-security-demo.git

run project

    mvn clean spring-boot:run

open url into browser

    # application url
     # h2 web console url: jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 username: sa pwd: sa

h2 database tables

there are five tables

  • auth_tokens : Authentication token table
  • authorization: access url control config
  • persistent_logins: remember me token table
  • roles: role table
  • users: user table
  • users_roles: user role mapping table

home page

login page

There are three user account into database

  • ROLE_SUPPER_ADMIN: login username: super_admin@super_admin pwd: super_admin
  • ROLE_ADMIN: login username: admin@admin pwd: admin
  • ROLE_USER: login username: user@user PWD: user

super_admin login

super_admin pre-auth AUTH_TOKEN login

super_admin remember-auth login

super_admin manager-user

super_admin online user manager, force login user logout

super_admin switch user

find user page