
An Object Oriented Pythonic RSS reader

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Latest Travis CI build status

Sample RSS Reader to perform multiple text processing on xml text of a rss feed.
Reads from a variety of inputs sources and Writes to a variety of outputs desination are supported.
PyRssReader deliberately has OOPS as design pattern to demonstrate OOPS in python.


Sample command

python PyRssReader --input http://globalissues.org/news/ --convert="cut,replace(/base/acid/)" -o tmp.txt
python PyRssReader --input http://globalissues.org/news/ --convert=cut
python PyRssReader --input articles.txt --convert="replace(/social/Social/)" -o out.txt
▶ python PyRssReader --help
usage: PyRssReader [-h] [--input INPUT] [--convert CONVERT] [--output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        input url or file path
  --convert CONVERT, -c CONVERT
                        functions to apply on input
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        output path


  1. Input file articles.txt is a xml file which meets the rss specification
  2. URL points to the base url of the RSS feed. RSS feed url can be found out by appending ‘feed/‘
  3. CUT function will be applied on the tag <title> and <summary> of the rss xml file
  4. REPLACE function will be applied on the text inside the tags <title>, <subtitle>, <author>, <content>, etc inside of xml file


python setup.py install


  • Objects have been heavily used for separation of concerns
  • Code reusability and extensibility have been given extra importance.

Class Diagram

Class Diagram


PyRssReader was written by Mohit Agrawal.