
Exam Details

  • This exam has 4 questions in total. A random question is picked from each level below.
  • If you fail the exam, when you retake the exam next time, you will restart at Level 1 again with a different set of questions.

Exam Norminette

There is no Norminette in this exam.

Exam Questions

Question 1 is from Level 1

❓ Any of the 12 Functions/Programs Below:

  - first_word
  - fizzbuzz
  - ft_strcpy
  - ft_strlen
  - ft_swap
  - putstr
  - repeat_alpha
  - rev_print
  - rot_13
  - rotone
  - search_and_replace
  - ulstr

Question 2 is from Level 2

❓ Any of the 20 Functions/Programs Below:

  - alpha_mirror
  - camel_to_snake
  - do_op
  - ft_atoi
  - ft_strcmp
  - ft_strcspn
  - ft_strdup
  - ft_strpbrk
  - ft_strrev
  - ft_strspn
  - inter
  - is_power_of_2
  - last_word
  - max
  - print_bits
  - reverse_bits
  - snake_to_camel
  - swap_bits
  - union
  - wdmatch

Question 3 is from Level 3

❓ Any of the 15 Functions/Programs Below:

  - add_prime_sum
  - epur_str
  - expand_str
  - ft_atoi_base
  - ft_list_size
  - ft_range
  - ft_rrange
  - hidenp
  - lcm
  - paramsum
  - pgcd
  - print_hex
  - rstr_capitalizer
  - str_capitalizer
  - tab_mult

Question 4 is from Level 4

❓ Any of the 10 Functions/Programs Below:

  - flood_fill
  - fprime
  - ft_itoa
  - ft_list_foreach
  - ft_list_remove_if
  - ft_split
  - rev_wstr
  - rostring
  - sort_int_tab
  - sort_list


🏊 Total Pool of 57 Functions/Programs.

Exam Login Details

1️⃣ Login With The Following:

login -> exam
password -> exam

2️⃣ In ITerm:

Type examshell in terminal

3️⃣ Your 42 Intra Account:

login -> your 42 intra username (eg. prossi)
pasword -> your password

4️⃣ Your 42 Intra Photo:

Allow photo check

5️⃣ Access Rendu:

Type 'y' or 'yes'

6️⃣ In the Exam Shell, You Have Only The Following 3 Commands:

- status - check the time and other things
- grademe - checking pushed exercise (moulinet)
- finish - closing examshell and finish exam

7️⃣ Open a new iTerm or VSCode:

- You can find your exam subject in the directory subject
- Then you can see directory Rendu. It is your repository.
- You must create a folder named by the project and start working in that folder.

Exam Submission Details

When you are ready to sumbit your function/program, go into Rendu and push the folder you created by doing the following:

1️⃣ git add <folder name/files in folder>

2️⃣ git status

3️⃣ git commit -m "any commit message you like in these strings"

4️⃣ git push

5️⃣ After you git push, type grademe in the examshell for your project to be evaluated.