This project is currently being refactored, performance and API will be unstable.
freeCodeCamp's open API initiative is an implementation of the freeCodeCamp's open-data policy. This project aims to open access to developers for building applications around the freeCodeCamp's eco-system and its open data sets.
Install dependencies
npm install # Install dependencies
docker pull lambci/lambda # Pull Docker image used to simulate an AWS Lambda container
cp sample.env .env
Start running locally using:
npm start
> open-api@0.0.1 start /Users/ojongerius/repos/fcc-open-api
> serverless offline start --skipCacheInvalidation
Serverless: Bundling with Webpack...
Time: 891ms
Built at: 2018-4-18 11:41:34
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
handler.js 18.2 KiB handler [emitted] handler 22.1 KiB handler [emitted] handler
Entrypoint handler = handler.js
[./db.js] 593 bytes {handler} [built]
[./handler.js] 1.98 KiB {handler} [built]
[./model/user.js] 4.97 KiB {handler} [built]
[./mongo/user.js] 986 bytes {handler} [built]
[./resolvers/user.js] 210 bytes {handler} [built]
[./types/user.js] 388 bytes {handler} [built]
[apollo-server-lambda] external "apollo-server-lambda" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[bluebird] external "bluebird" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[fs] external "fs" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[graphql-playground-middleware-lambda] external "graphql-playground-middleware-lambda" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[graphql-tools] external "graphql-tools" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[merge-graphql-schemas] external "merge-graphql-schemas" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[moment] external "moment" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[mongoose] external "mongoose" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
[validator] external "validator" 42 bytes {handler} [built]
Serverless: Watching for changes...
Serverless: Starting Offline: dev/us-east-1.
Serverless: Routes for graphql:
Serverless: POST /graphql
Serverless: Routes for api:
Serverless: GET /api
Serverless: Offline listening on http://localhost:4000
Deployment is normally done by CI.
If you want to do a manual deployment:
Configure your AWS credentials, see
Ensure that you have the serverless
package install globally
npm i -g serverless
Assert that the stages configured in serverless.yml
in line with what you'd like to deploy to, and run:
serverless --stage=YOUR_STAGE_HERE deploy
Copyright (c) 2018 freeCodeCamp.
The computer software in this repository is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause.