
JetDevs Flutter Test Task

Primary LanguageDart


A Flutter Test Task.


Welcome to the readme file of My Profile. This document provides an overview of the app, its features, and instructions for setting up and running the app on your local development environment.

App Description

This Flutter app has a functionality of a Login, Profile and Edit Profile Pages.


  • Login
  • Home (User Data)
  • Edit Profile (for User Data)

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Flutter SDK
  • Git for version control
  • Android Studio or Xcode for Android and iOS development


Clone the repository to your local machine

  git clone: https://github.com/mohit-chauhan-mi/My_Profile

Change the working directory to the project folder:

  cd my_profile

Install the app's dependencies using Flutter:

  flutter pub get

Login Details:

Flutter Test Instructions

Code submission -
1. Upload your app to Github.
   * Please make sure to set up permission settings to let us view your project.
2. Record demo - Upon completion, record a video of your desktop which shows the compilation of the test task and do a demo on it.
   Time limit - Submit the project within 3 days of receiving this test. Task Requirement -
   Please build an app named `my profile` with the following features.
- Login page:
1. Username is your email.
2. Password is your name.
3. Should have validations for each field.
4. Include a “ remembered me” option.

- Home Page:
1. List your info such as avatar, name, email, skills, and work experience. 
2. It Should have a logout button on the top right.

- Edit profile:
1. When clicked, You can edit your avatar by selecting a photo from your file system.
2. For each part on the right should have an edit button. After clicking the edit button, you can go to the edit page to update this part by clicking the save button on the bottom.
3. If you update the info but don’t click the save button, it should show a confirm popup to ask whether to leave this page without saving.
Notes -
1. You can use any framework you like. Feel free to choose whatever you are most familiar with. 
2. Pay attention to basic accessibility and user experience. Make your app easy to use for regular users.
3. Make sure your app runs on Android and iOS devices.
4. The app should be fully functional without any back-end server or database. You can just store your state in memory.