
Identifying and refining intent terms in e-commerce queries

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code for the CIKM paper:

Manchanda, Saurav, Mohit Sharma, and George Karypis. "Intent Term Weighting in E-commerce Queries." Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2019.

and its extended version:

Manchanda, Saurav, Mohit Sharma, and George Karypis. "Intent term selection and refinement in e-commerce queries." arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08564 (2019).

  title={Intent Term Weighting in E-commerce Queries},
  author={Manchanda, Saurav and Sharma, Mohit and Karypis, George},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},
  title={Intent term selection and refinement in e-commerce queries},
  author={Manchanda, Saurav and Sharma, Mohit and Karypis, George},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08564},

Please contact Saurav (manch043@umn.edu) for any questions.


The code is tested with Python 3.7.4 and PyTorch 1.2.0


CTW is implemented in context_term_weighting.py. The program can be run by giving the command-line arguments as follows:

usage: python context_term_weighting.py  --data_folder <data folder location> 
                                         --embedding_size <Size of the input word embeddings (300 by default)>
                                         --hidden_size_gru <Number of nodes in the hidden layer of GRU (Default 256)>
                                         --hidden_size_mlp <Number of nodes in the hidden layer of MLP (Default 10)>
                                         --dropout <Dropout (Default 0.25)> --num_epochs <Number of training epochs (Default 20)>
                                         --batch_size <Batch size (Default 512)> 
                                         --num_layers_gru <Number of layers in GRU (Default 2)>
                                         --num_layers_mlp <Number of layers in MLP (Default 2)>
                                         --learning_rate <Learning rate (Default 0.001)> --weight_decay <L2 regularization (Default 1e-5)>
                                         --use_cuda <Cuda device to use, negative for cpu (Default -1)> 
                                         --seed <Seed for initializations, (Default 0)> 
                                         --update_embed <Whether to train the embeddings (Default 1)>
                                         --pretrained <Whether to use pretrained embeddings (Default 1; vectors.txt file should be present for this option to work)>
                                         --max_grad_norm <Maximum norm of the gradient, for gradient clipping (Default 1.0)>
                                         --output_file <Path to the output file, to write importance weights>

The two required arguments are 'data_folder', which is the path to the folder containing the required input data to train/evaluate; and 'output_file', which is the path to the output file, where the relevance weights are to be written. The default values of the remaining hyperparameters have the default value as reported in the papers.

  • The 'data_folder' should contain at least 7 named files: 'train_q1.txt', 'train_q2.txt', 'valid_q1.txt', 'valid_q2.txt', 'test_q1.txt', 'test_q2.txt' and 'vocab.txt'.
  • 'train_xx' files contain the queries for estimating the model parameters, 'test_xx' files contain the queries for evaluating the model, and 'valid_xx' files are for validating the model. Note that, the current version do not automatically select the hyperameters using the 'valid_xx' files, we only use the 'valid_xx' files to see how the performance changes as the training goes on.
  • 'xx_q1.txt' contains the initial queries, one query per line; and each line in 'xx_q2.txt' contains the corresponding reformulated query. Each query is represented as space separated non-negative integer IDs; each ID corresponding to a query term. The corresponding term-ID mapping is present in the 'vocab.txt' file. Each line in the 'vocab.txt' contains the term X, the line number corresponding to X being its ID.
  • If pretrained embedddings are to be used (--pretrained 1), 'data_folder' should also contain the file 'vectors.txt'. The first word in the file 'vocab.txt' is a query term, and the following space separated floats in that line correspond to its embedding.