Data Modelling and Simulation Project

This repository contains the source code for my Rocket Flight Simulation project. The project is built using Python and leverages the tkinter module for real-time visualization, incorporating libraries such as Tkinter, Matplotlib, and Plotly to simulate and visualize rocket flight data in action. Data:

  1. Flight duration
  2. Velocity
  3. Height
  4. Trajectory
  5. Accleartion( Displayed on the console)

How to run? Run the python file in vscode. Instructions: Click the launch button to start. Click Abort button to stop the simulation. I built this project to simulate the flight of a rocket, taking into account various physical factors. It offers real-time visualization of rocket velocity, altitude, and trajectory.

Feel free to clone this repository, explore the code, and provide feedback or contributions. I welcome collaboration and the opportunity to learn and grow as a developer.