
Scripts and utilities for automatic processing & management of Illumina NGS sequencing data.

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts and utilities for automatic processing & management of NGS sequencing data from Illumina sequencers, developed within the Bioinformatics Core Facility (BCF) at the University of Manchester (UoM).

Full documentation is available at http://auto_process_ngs.readthedocs.org.


This package provides a small set of utilities to generate FASTQ files from raw bcl files output by Illumina MiSEQ and HiSEQ sequencers, and to perform other task such as QC runs and file management.

It also facilitates handling problem situations such as barcoding issues or incomplete runs.


It is recommended to use:

pip install .

from within the top-level source directory to install the package.

To use the package without installing it first you will need to add the directory to your PYTHONPATH environment.

To install directly from github using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/fls-bioinformatics-core/auto_process_ngs.git


  • For pip 1.5: you will need to specify the --process-dependency-links argument to the install command to pull in the dependencies.
  • For pip 1.6: you must first do pip install -r requirements.txt to pull in the dependencies.


Documentation based on sphinx is available under the docs directory.

To build:

cd docs
make html

which creates the documentation in the docs/build subdirectory.

Running Tests

The tests can be run using:

python setup.py test

In addition the tests are run via TravisCI whenever this GitHub repository is updated:

Current status of TravisCI build for master branch


The package depends on the genomics-bcftbx package, available from https://github.com/fls-bioinformatics-core/genomics

Developmental version

The developmental branch of the code on github is devel, this can be installed using:

pip install git+https://github.com/fls-bioinformatics-core/auto_process_ngs.git@devel

Use the -e option to install an 'editable' version (see the section on "Editable" installs <https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/reference/pip_install.html#editable-installs>_ in the pip documentation),

The tests are run on TravisCI whenever the developmental version is updated:

Current status of TravisCI build for devel branch