
A Web application using Flask framework with MySQL as a RDBMS for automation of day-to-day canteen operations like viewing today's menu, placing an order, receiving an order, updating status of order, billing, offering discounts.

Primary LanguageHTML

Canteen Automation

To run the project, clone the repository or download and extract the zip file, make sure you have flask installed otherwise execute

pip install flask

Go to the directory canteen and execute the following command

python app.py

Canteen Management System developed as a Web application using Flask framework with MySQL as a RDBMS. Automation of day-to-day canteen operations like viewing today's menu, placing an order, receiving an order, updating status of order, billing, offering discounts.

Menu will be shown to the customer and can place the order accordingly.

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Admin can add new dishes to the inventory.

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Admin can view the sales report of the canteen according to the start time and end time entered.

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