Name |
Mohit Birla |
Vivek Mishra |
Mehul Mukund |
Farhaz Anshari |
Kishan Joshi |
- We have created a Book website on which the user can make Novels purchases. On the website we have created, the user can see the products of our website, but it is necessary to sign up for shopping. Without SignUp you Can't buy any product.There are 6 pages in our website. Diffirent Page have a diffirent kind of facility.
- You can easily buy any product on this project which we Created during CONSTRUCT WEEK.
- You can visit Our Website
- JavaScript & API
- During this project we got to learn how to work in groups.
- During this project we increased our communication skills.
- We Learned how to communicate with team members?
- Overall we learn lots of things during this project.