Primary Task:

Develop a very basic EMS (Employee Management System) wherein you have a form asking all the relevant details of the Employee e.g. Name, Age, Department, Blood group,Address and Contact number.

● When you submit the form, all the details get saved in the local storage of the browser.

● Once the details are saved you fetch them and display them in a table.

● There should be an 'Edit' and 'Delete' functionality for each row in the table to edit various attributes of the employee. The edit/delete functionality should edit/delete only the row on which the edit/delete button is clicked.

● Everytime you fill the form and submit, the new row gets appended to the table. This way you get a table holding employee records that can be manipulated as per the requirement above.


● Code should have proper comments and indentation.

● Maintain a proper folder structure.

● Code should be modular.

● Please follow the ideal design approach, the interface and aesthetics would matter.

Important: You have to do this using Angular (Any version > 8) / React (16+) following coding best practices/standards.

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