Implement a small library in C++ using expression templates and modern C++11/14/17 features like generic lambdas to:
represent a matrix of numerical types (int, long, float, double, complex,....) compute algebraic expressions including + and *, += and *=. Matrix multiplication can be implemented with the most simple algorithm fit in one header file provides a test program which can measure its speed of execution for each examples provided
: - header file whixh consist of operations related to matrix using generic lamdas.timer.h
:- header file for giving the execution time of the process.main.cpp
:- for testing the above header files.
- compiler supporting the C++17 standard(I use clion for testing)
- has template parameters
is the element type,S
, is the storage format,M
the number of rows and columns of the matrix - stores elements using
either in column-major or row-major storage format
- encapsulates
for convenient runtime measurements. - has one template parameter
which can be e.g. of typecmat::nanoseconds
- elementwise arithmetic operators
with scalars and matrices - elementwise assignment operators
with scalars and matrices - matrix-multiplication operator
- matrix-transposition operator