
Data Analyst Project

Primary LanguagePython



The project is basically a temparature trend comparison between the local temperature and global temperature.The report in the form of pdf gives a detailed summary about my findings on the same.Gathering the data was an important aspect of the project.The data saved in results.csv file has been extracted from a SQL database that had wide range of records.


  • The major takeaways for me from this project were an introduction to dataframes and their operations.
  • Visualization of pandas series.
  • Plotting a line graph.
  • Comparison between the lines and analysis of their behaviours related to each other.


This was my first data science project and It was really interesting to work on such a project.I learnt a lot of new concepts related to data science like dataframes,visualization etc.The project gave me the confidence to move forward and explore the concepts further.It was a rewarding experience with a lot of takeaways.