
A tiny backup system.

Primary LanguagePython

mDataRecovery, CommandLine backup utility.
Copyright (C) 2010  Mohit Ranka

Directory structure 

main.py - The single entry of interaction for the end user.

utils.py - Utility classes for ZipSupport and SQLite Actions.

backup/ - Directory containing the different backup method classes, and the parent factory class, backup/base.py

restore/ - Directory containing the different restore method classes, and the parent factory class, restore/base.py 

docs/ - Documentation (or the lack of thereof) for mDataRecovery.


mDataRecovery has following dependency requirements.  

1. python2.6
2. sqlite3 


python main.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit.

  -a ACTION, --action=ACTION
                        User action ('backup' or 'restore').No default.

                        Location of source directory for backup.No default.

  -m METHOD, --method=METHOD
                        Method of backup ('Local' or 'Rsync' or 'AWS' or
                        'Rackspace' etc). Only 'Local' is supported as of now.

  -b BASE_LOCATION, --base_location=BASE_LOCATION
                        Location of the mDataRecovery backup directory to be
                        create.Defaults to '.mdatarecovery' in current

                        Revision number which is needs to be restored.
                        Defaults to most recent version.

                        Location where the restoration should happen.Defaults
                        to current directory.

NOTE - mDataRecovery *should* work on any platform, however it is been tested only on Unix based system, as of now.
mDataRecovery is not ready/mature and yet to be 'battle-tested' to be used in production enviornment.


Refer docs/LICENSE for information regarding mDataRecovery license.